Questions answered about General Admission, open March 8.
On Tuesday, March 8, general admission for Project Ascension opens. You’ll have two options when you sign up.
You can pay the full price of $990.
You can apply for a discounted or scholarship ticket.
We want to make sure you understand these two options, so please read on for more information.
What if I pay full price?
Buy a ticket, take the ride: if you pay full price, you’re in the larp.
What’s the difference between discounted and scholarship?
The discounted ticket price is $765. If you receive a scholarship offer, the price is $0.
When will you offer discounted or scholarship tickets?
We’ll contact individuals receiving an offer every week on Tuesday until General Admission closes.
If I receive an offer, how long do I have to accept?
You have 48 hours to respond to us and make your initial payment. If this would be a financial hardship, we will work with you, but if we haven’t heard from you within 48 hours, we’ll offer your spot to someone else.
Will you contact us if we’re not selected?
When general admission closes, we’ll contact everyone who hasn’t heard from us yet to let them know.
How many tickets are there?
We have 20 general admission tickets available:
6 scholarship tickets
4 discount tickets
10 tickets that can be sold at full price.
Based on sales and interest, we may offer some of the 10 full price tickets as discounted tickets.
Can I use your Social Justice Policy during general admission?
Yes, and we encourage you to do so. Please email us at or fill out the application form so that we can assist you. Click here if you’re unsure what the Social Justice policy is.
Can I do a payment plan?
If you get a discounted ticket, you’ll have the option to pay in a lump sum, or with an initial payment of $195. If you choose the latter, you’ll have to pay $95 for six months.
If you pay full price, you’ll have to pay in a lump sum.
What’s the difference once I have a ticket?
There is no difference between any general admission ticket. Once you have a ticket, you’ll be treated the same as any other participant.
When do Premium tickets go on sale?
Currently, we’re holding all Premium tickets for participants who bought a ticket during the Early-Bird. If we have tickets left over after they finish, we’ll make them available to general admission ticket holders.